Our Lady’s Maronite Church | Austin, TX

Open House in Honor of St. Sharbel’s Feast Day Our Lady’s Maronite Church, Austin, TX
by Msgr. Don Sawyer
An advertisement on Relevant Radio and in the local newspaper, Catholic Spirit, got the word out to Catholics of Central Texas that Our Lady’s was having an open house on Saint Sharbel’s Feast Day!
The church opened at 6:00 a.m. and people from all over came and prayed in front of a large icon of St. Sharbel and his relics. The day concluded with a Liturgy, celebrated by our pastor Msgr. Don Sawyer, and was concelebrated by Fr. Jonathan Raia, vocation director of the Diocese of Austin. There was standing room only for the crowd that attended, with the majority being first-time visitors!
The terrific Liturgy concluded when everyone present was anointed with oil from St. Sharbel’s tomb and were all given holy cards in English and Spanish and cotton swabs with oil from his tomb!