Maronite Academy Regional Reunion in Washington

by Maya Khoury
The Maronite Foundation sponsored its first-ever Maronite Academy Regional Reunion in Washington, DC, on Labor Day weekend. This reunion was open to any of the past Maronite Academy Alumni from the United States and Canada.
The program included presentations from In Defense of Christians Policy Director Peter Burns and Communications Manager Sarah Bassil; National Apostolate of Maronites Mid-Atlantic Regional Director Tonia Khouri; Dr. Edmund Ghareeb, a Lebanese American Professor from American University; and Maronite Foundation Regional USA Director Mrs. Josephine Sfeir and Maronite Academy USA Alumni Coordinator Maya Khoury.
Following the presentation, attendees participated in a competition where they had to register one of their relatives or friends of Lebanese descent to see if they are eligible for Lebanese Citizenship. If the person was eligible, the first person to submit someone was awarded a prize from the Maronite Foundation. Following the morning sessions, the group toured the United States Capitol Building, and later all came together for an Awards Ceremony and Lebanese style party at Phoenicia in northern Virginia. Each attendee was recognized for being an active member for the Maronite Academy Alumni organization.
Sunday included Divine Liturgy at Our Lady of Lebanon in Washington, DC, with Monsignor George Sebaali, followed by a meeting at the Lebanese Embassy with His Excellency Lebanese Ambassador Gabriel Issa, where the alumni discussed Lebanon’s challenges. The entire event concluded with a bus tour of Washington’s landmarks and a night out together before everyone departed.
The Maronite Academy, established seven year ago, is an non-profit initiative, undertaken by the Maronite Foundation, aimed at introducing young Lebanese immigrants around the world to their country of origin. Selected candidates will undergo online sessions (e-learning sessions) that will build their knowledge about Lebanon and Maronite Heritage.
After successfully completing their online courses, the selected candidates benefit from an organized two-week trip to Lebanon, all expenses covered, by the Maronite Foundation. During their stay in Lebanon, the candidates will bond with their roots and get further in touch with the history of Lebanon and their Maronite Heritage through various site visits and seminars, given by prominent figures.
To find out more about the Maronite Academy for Summer 2020, please visit their website at
Maya is Maronite Academy USA Regional Reunion Coordinator
and a parishioner of St. Anthony Church, Glen Allen, VA