Clergy Enrichment Days 2019

Every year Bishop Gregory Mansour and Bishop Elias Zaidan sponsor two-day Enrichment Program for Priests that is hosted by Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Seminary.  This year was well-attended perhaps because a renown  Semitics scholar, Father Joseph Amar, professor emeritus of Notre Dame University gave stimulating presentations on Saint Ephrem and his world.  (Father Amar, a native of Grand Rapids, Michigan, is a Maronite priest of the Eparchy of Saint Maron.)

The 1-2 April program opened with a concelebrated Divine Liturgy at Our Lady of Lebanon Church, where Msgr. George Sebaali is the pastor.  This was followed by a delicious and convivial dinner in the Church Hall.

Msgr. Peter F. Azar took the opportunity to offer Chorbishop Seely Beggiani, former rector of Our Lady of Lebanon, a plaque recognizing the enormous contribution Chorbishop Seely made during his tenure.  The eight seminarians at the Maronite Seminary are blessed that Chorbishop Seely continues to teach a course on Maronite spirituality.