Bishops' Schedules | August 2019

Schedule | Bishop A. Elias Zaidan
10-11 August | El Paso, TX | St. Sharbel Church | Consecration of New Church
13-15 August | North Jackson, OH | National Shrine of Our Lady of Lebanon | Assumption Pilgrimage
16-18 August | Cincinnati, OH | St. Anthony Church | Pastoral Visit
25 August | Los Angeles, CA | Our Lady of Mt. Lebanon-St. Peter Cathedral
31 Aug – 1 Sep | Portland, OR | St. Sharbel Church | Pastoral Visit & Ordination to the Diaconate of Subdeacon Peter Zogbi
13-15 September | Los Angeles, CA | Our Lady of Mt. Lebanon-St. Peter Cathedral
14-17 September | Welcome of Mother Marie Antionette Saade, Superior General of the Congregation of Maronite Sisters of the Holy Family
21-22 September | Lombard, IL | Our Lady of Lebanon Church | Pastoral Visit
23-27 September | El Paso, TX | USCCB Subcommittee on Catholic Home Missions
3 October | Newton, MA | Annunciation Cathedral | Anniversary of Bishop Nicholas James Samra
4-6 October | San Antonio, TX | St. George Church | MYA National Workshop and Ordination to the Subdiaconate of Ernest Karam, Joseph Harb, and Raymond Dustin
18-20 October | North Jackson, OH | National Shrine of Our Lady of Lebanon | Inter-Eparchial Deacon and Subdeacon Retreat
Schedule | Bishop Gregory J. Mansour
10-11 August | Carnegie, PA | Our Lady of Victory Church | Pastoral Visit
13-15 August | North Jackson, OH | National Shrine of Our Lady of Lebanon | Assumption Pilgrimage
31 Aug – 1 Sep | Uniontown, PA | St. George Church | Pastoral Visit and Annual Pilgrimage in Honor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help by the Ruthenian Byzantine Catholic Church and the Sisters of St. Basil
6-8 September | Olean, NY | St. Joseph Church | 100thAnniversary
9 September | Washington, DC | Our Lady of Lebanion Seminary | Pastoral Visit
10-11 September | Washington, DC | USCCB | Meetings
11-12 September | Baltimore, MD | Catholic Relief Services | Meetings
14 September | Brooklyn, NY | Our Lady of Lebanon Cathedral | Ordination to the Subdiaconate of Adonis El Asmar
14 September | Brooklyn, NY | The Chancery | Inaugural Meeting of the Eparchial Stewardship Council
14 September | Sleepy Hollow, NY | St. John Paul II Church | Pastoral Visit
22 September | Brooklyn, NY | Our Lady of Lebanon Cathedral
22 September | Manhattan, NY | Church of the Holy Family | Liturgy
23-27 September | Petersham, MA | Most Holy Trinity Monastery | Pastoral Visit
29 September | Brooklyn, NY | Our Lady of Lebanon Cathedral
2 October | Brooklyn, NY | The Chancery | Presbyteral Council
3 October | Brooklyn, NY | The Chancery | Finance Council
3 October | Manhattan, NY | Eparchial Benefit Dinner
4-6 October | San Antonio, TX | St. George Church | MYA National Workshop
11-13 October | Raleigh, NC | St. Sharbel Church | Consecration of New Church
18-20 October | North Jackson, OH | National Shrine of Our Lady of Lebanon | Inter-Eparchial Deacon and Subdeacon Retreat