Uniontown, PA | Ladies Guild

Uniontown, PA | Ladies Guild

by  Dr. Mabel George Howard


The Altar & Rosary Society (ARS) of St. George Church in Uniontown, Pennsylvania, celebrated its annual Mother’s Day Luncheon at the Uniontown Country Club on 18 May 2019.  The (ARS) traditionally honors one member each year for her important role in the church and community.  Paula Mosako Toth, a lifetime member of St. George, was the recipient of this most deserving award.  Paula is the St. George Church secretary and bookkeeper.  For many years, she prepared the children for their First Holy Communion, and she currently serves as a Sunday School (MCF) and Vacation Bible School teacher.  Paula is an active member of the Altar & Rosary Society, Ladies Guild, St. George Choir, and Maronite Christian Formation.  Paula was presented with a beautiful wall rosary and a lovely bouquet of flowers as a token of appreciation for her dedication and selfless acts of kindness.  Congratulations and God Bless!

On 19 May 2019, The Ladies Guild of St. George celebrated its seventy-ninth Memorial Ceremony honoring the deceased members of the Guild. The ladies began this beautiful tradition by reciting the rosary and litany, lighting candles to commemorate the memories of their loved ones, and attending liturgy together.  Following the liturgy, a delightful lunch was served in the church hall.  Flowers were distributed to place at individual gravesites or to adorn the commemorative bricks of the deceased members in the Ladies Guild Saint Rafka Grotto on the church grounds.  The annual Ladies Guild Memorial Ceremony pays tribute and appreciation to the legacy of many special women who not only faithfully served God and their church, but touched our hearts forever.  This celebration provided a wonderful opportunity for quiet prayer, reflection, and camaraderie.