Scholarship | Independence, OH

Independence, OH | St. Maron Church
Lucas George Wins President James Madison Fellowship Scholarship
by Deacon George Khoury
First year Franklin High School Social Studies teacher Lucas George, son of Mark George, an usher and ready volunteer of Saint Maron Church in Independence, Ohio, could hardly believe he had been accepted in the James Madison Fellowship Scholarship in his first year of teaching and in his first attempt to enter the competition with entrants throughout the United States. There are teachers that enter five or six times before they are accepted.
In his own words, Lucas said, “I figured I would apply, get feedback on what I needed to do differently for the next year and apply again.” Instead Lucas will be one of 52 teachers — and the only one from Ohio - to travel to Washington D.C. for a special seminar this summer. In addition, he received $24,000 towards his master’s degree. Upon receipt of the scholarship, Lucas said, “I’m very honored and humbled. It is something for which I was saving.”
Lucas began serving at the Liturgy after he made his First Holy Communion and continued to serve until he graduated from Independence High School. Throughout the years as a server, he was faithful, reverent and dependable.
After graduating from high school, he chose to go to Wittenberg University because of their philosophy of education. “A Wittenberg education consists of three parts: a broad base in the liberal arts, an intensive course of study in a major, and an enhanced course of study that makes up a minor. Wittenberg also places considerable emphasis on strong speaking skills, writing, critical thinking and research skills to ensure that its students are competitive grad school applicants, outstanding future employees and global leaders. At the same time, a Wittenberg education provides an in-depth investigation of human behavior and diversity.” Lucas majored in History and Education, receiving his B.A. and teaching certification.
Lucas is a dependable, and respectful young man with a pleasant personality looking forward to his sessions at Georgetown University in Washington D.C., where he will discuss the Founding Fathers and the Constitution of the United States. He believes that many people see the Constitution as a dead document. He said “On the contrary, it is living every day in the heart beats of each of us. It is up to us to look after it.”
In Dayton, Ohio during the school year, Lucas is a faithful Maronite and an active member of St. Ignatius of Antioch Maronite Church. In the summer he usually returns to Independence and assists his father ushering and volunteering. Msgr. Peter Karam, our pastor, and the parish of St. Maron Church in Independence and Cleveland, wish him well at Georgetown and pray that he has continued success in all his endeavors; and that God safely keeps him in the palm of His hand.