Atlanta, Georgia | Parish Renewal

Saint Joseph Church in Atlanta, Georgia, held its first Parish Renewal on 14 September 2019. This seven and a half hour session entitled, “Re-Igniting the Flame,” was led by Stewardship Calling founder, Mr. Bill Marianes. Mr. Marianes has conducted countless Parish Renewals for hundreds of Catholic and Orthodox parishes throughout the country. The presentation focused on building the parish and the effectiveness of its ministries. He encouraged members to realize their personal callings as disciples of Jesus Christ and their pursuit of true stewardship with Christ at the center of their lives. Mr. Marianes emphasized the need to involve all parishioners in the youth, adult, and educational ministries of the parish and surrounding community. Mr. Marianes interacted with the audience as he entertained challenging questions and answers directly pertaining to the topic. He stressed ways to increase participation, motivation, and revenue with particular attention to involving the youth of the parish in activities and events. The Parish Renewal was an engaging and thought-provoking program to experience.