Uniontown, PA | St. George Fall Events

by Dr. Mabel George Howard
The parishioners of St. George Church in Uniontown, Pennsylvania, celebrate the Fall Season as a special time for mutual kindness, caring, sharing, praying, and giving thanks. It is a time of year to enjoy the company of family and friends.
15 September 2019, marked the 30th Annual Uniontown Rosary Walk, organized and sponsored by the Altar & Rosary Society of St. George Church. This spiritual event, honoring the Blessed Mother, Queen of the Holy Rosary, began in the St. George Church Garden of Prayer with the recitation of the first decade of the rosary. The Knights of Columbus led the participants in a procession to five other Catholic parishes in Uniontown. It was wonderful to experience the faithfulness of three Catholic ritual traditions (Maronite, Roman, and Byzantine), all praying in unison. Worshipers prayed a decade of the rosary at each church followed by religious hymns and concluding with the Litany of the Blessed Mother and the final Benediction. The Uniontown Rosary Walk is a spiritual time for prayer, reflection, meditation, and giving thanks for the faithful that join in praying the rosary in honor of the Blessed Mother.
To spend quality time with loved ones and friends, an Octoberfest was held on 13 October in our beautifully decorated church hall. This event was specifically planned for ladies only from the parish and community. The Octoberfest was an afternoon of laughter, prizes, and a delicious selection of covered dishes and desserts. This gathering provided an opportunity for reconnecting, relaxing, and enjoying fellowship, while giving thanks to the women who work diligently and faithfully to support the church.
Games, music, food, candy bags, and fun describe our annual “Trunk” or Treat Halloween Party held on 19 October in the church hall. The MYO sponsored the event as the children enjoyed the activities and sported an array of original and colorful costumes. We give thanks to God for the children—our future generations.
Finally, on 10 November, the St. George Altar & Rosary Society (ARS) celebrated a Memorial Liturgy honoring the deceased members of the Society. We remembered our loved ones and gave thanks to them for their many spiritual and cultural contributions to the church. The ARS members recited the rosary as their names were announced and candles lit for them. After liturgy, the ARS members and their families enjoyed a light reception in the church hall.
Many would agree that the Fall Season is a time for reflection, giving thanks, sharing memories, showing appreciation and kindness, honoring many deserving individuals, and most importantly, counting God’s blessings.